Our Senior Instructor works as an engineer during the day to be financially stable, with a difficult work schedule and even travel it is very difficult to hold a regular schedule. Contact our Senior Instructor Clint Eversole to schedule a private session, please try to schedule any session at least one week in advance. Please see our class schedule for full details on our operating hours. 

First class is always free! Drop-in available. First come, first served. All those considering are eligible for a free trial period up to one full month.  Save your spot by emailing Clint at info@columbustactical.com



Important Notices

These details are important to our schedule, mostly regarding canceled class times. Important notices will also come out on our Twitter page

  • Due to both out senior and assistant instructor being unavailable, Columbus Tactical Martial Arts will be closed September 10 as well as October 6 and 8. If you plan on coming either of these dates we sincerely apologize, please feel free to contact us and ask how we can make up the time to you.

 E-mail: columbustactical@gmail.com Tel: 808-740-3359

Twitter: @Cbustactical


Columbus Tactical Martial Arts

Tel: 740-808-3359
Email: columbustactical@gmail.com

Invest in yourself.  Improve yourself.  Protect yourself.

Self-defense skills are invaluable in this day and age.